Friday, October 1, 2010


This week was homecoming! We had a theme everyday this week and ended with a blue-out and mums!
First day was dress your best. I wore this with a shrug and heels! (:

2nd day was Western Day!

College day! (BYU)

Blue-out day!My mum (:

I am one of the few non- cheerleaders of my friends!

Me and Taryn (:
Ended with singing the national anthem at the Varsity Volleyball game!

Time for the game!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Summer :(

Summer is almost over and I am super sad! I only have two weeks left and plan to live them to the fullest!! Whoop! Which will probably include sitting around procrastinating on that assignment that is due in two weeks and pure awesomeness. Well as an update I am now home to Texas! While we were gone it never got over 85 degrees... I'm pretty sure its 104 here. We had a ton of fun and saw more movies then I have seen in forever! If you have to go see any movie go. see. salt. It was the craziest movie ever. I loved it!! Well now I'm off to a choir camp!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Aspen Grove!!

Aspen Grove! That name makes me sing... Aspen Grove is a family camp of sorts run by the BYU alumni and it is soooooo fun!!
For the Aspen Follies as a group we had to do some crazy things! Like in this we have to all run in this big tire thing and pass some awesome cones!
This was one of the final group Teen (my group for the week) pictures... such weird/awesome people.
Also at the Aspen Follies trying to fill up that ungrateful bucket....
But we won first place out of the entire camp woot woot!!
At the end the Teens did they're cheer this is how ours goes...

We are the Teens!!
We don't do drugs!!
So check us out! (girls in high voices with pose)
So check us out! (guys in low voices with guns)
Well we also have to do a song but cuz we're teens and are in no way going to learn a song from Joseph and the Technicoat of many colors we did the next best thing.... interpretive dance and lipsing!! The girl in the pink dance is Anica and she was the lead girl... hahahahahaha soooo funny watching her break down as a crazy old man Egyptian while we we're back up dancers.

Yupp thats about it and it was awesome. I can't wait until next year!!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cliff Jumping!

Ok so I've been in Utah for almost 3 weeks now and I think one of my favorite things I've done is... cliff jumping!! It was totally crazy but totally super fun! I was the first to jump off all of the ledges besides Brando (but he doesn't really count). So anyway we jumped 35 feet off of crazy cliffs into ice cold water whoo hoo!!
I swam across the lake to Mack where she was on this big rock and there was no better way to celebrate than with muscles!
Haha the camera went all funky so me and mack are vampires in this pic.
the highest jump was seriously like sooo scary cuz its in the shadows and the water looks black... crazy!
You better believe I can fly!

Thursday, July 8, 2010


We have had a sad time in our family lately. Our dog Soda suffered from heat exhaustion and passed away yesterday. We are all very sad and will miss him greatly. I found some pics of him from when we first brought him home. He was so tiny!!
Our fat puppy
He started to starve trey when he decided to eat everything in sight

Friday, July 2, 2010


For Mack's birthday Me Leighana and her now to be referred to as MLM had a little party at our friends' house and used their home theatre to have a twilight marathon. The next morning we went to Eclipse!! It was so good. Like amazing! It was by far the best and not just because there was a lot of shirtless Jacob. My new favorite line from there is one Edward says when dropping off Bella at Jacob's house and says "doesn't he own a shirt?" haha it was the best movie by far!

afterwards we took a bunch of awesome pics
its a tradition to hold hands during the movie to the extent of almost breaking fingers !
I actually had bruises between my fingers!
This was before when we all still looked good!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Toy Story 3 Sneak Peek Clip "Spanish Buzz" 2010 Movie from Disney + Pixa...

So me and a bunch of friends went to go see Toy Story 3 about a week ago. Well its my new favorite movie... just fyi. Anyway this is only a small part of what made this movie so amazing. Go spanish buzz!

Monday, June 28, 2010

LeeAnn Visit

My awesome aunt LeeAnn came into visit us and to go see Wicked and such! Wicked! Ahhh! Later the next day we took a Bronco ride and took awesome pictures!

We took this at Wicked right before the lights dimmed. No, really like RIGHT before. It was AMAZING! I mean I've never exactly been to a broadway musical before but it doesn't matter because this one was definitely the best!

Me and my sisters on the way home in the bronco. Hint: Wicked shirt :)
I totally was not *cough* driving. (while we were jamming out to country music)

Such beautiful girls!

We've got the power!

Girls Camp!

The start of my summer was Girls Camp! It was so much fun and we had a blast! Two of my friends, Mack and Leighana are a year older than me and because they are so awesome they decided to stay back a year for me! When your a 3rd year (like we were) we have the great privilege of holding torches for Indian Princess night. We happened to find my phone in my pocket while they were still setting up and well... the rest is history.

3 beautiful girls by the lake! - Leighana Mack Me

no comments here
we were supposed to hold up the torches but who knew that if you worked and worked and worked you could screw them into the dirt!!
Awwww our new friend Brianna!
