Monday, June 28, 2010

Girls Camp!

The start of my summer was Girls Camp! It was so much fun and we had a blast! Two of my friends, Mack and Leighana are a year older than me and because they are so awesome they decided to stay back a year for me! When your a 3rd year (like we were) we have the great privilege of holding torches for Indian Princess night. We happened to find my phone in my pocket while they were still setting up and well... the rest is history.

3 beautiful girls by the lake! - Leighana Mack Me

no comments here
we were supposed to hold up the torches but who knew that if you worked and worked and worked you could screw them into the dirt!!
Awwww our new friend Brianna!



  1. and worked,and worked,and worked. it was so hard to get the torch in there. let me say though, I WAS THE FIRST!! me and morgan were laughing at you guys going in circles though..haha. so funny.

  2. Um excuse me! You never told me this lol :)
