Thursday, July 29, 2010

Cliff Jumping!

Ok so I've been in Utah for almost 3 weeks now and I think one of my favorite things I've done is... cliff jumping!! It was totally crazy but totally super fun! I was the first to jump off all of the ledges besides Brando (but he doesn't really count). So anyway we jumped 35 feet off of crazy cliffs into ice cold water whoo hoo!!
I swam across the lake to Mack where she was on this big rock and there was no better way to celebrate than with muscles!
Haha the camera went all funky so me and mack are vampires in this pic.
the highest jump was seriously like sooo scary cuz its in the shadows and the water looks black... crazy!
You better believe I can fly!

1 comment:

  1. whoot whoot! sounds fun, and im proud of you for doing that, because im pretty sure i might have been too scared!
