Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Years!

As I am 14 I can (finally) go to the new years dance!! Whoop whoop! I had a friend who went with me and we met up with some friends to go to dinner before!

The trials of finding an appropriate mormon dance dress are ridiculous, but I got lucky! (:
Haha we were at the dance and some guy was walking by who we didn't want to see us so we were all like"Hurry! Take a picture!"
Me & Hayley with our legit 2011 necklaces!
Me and Taryn all ready to go!
She is my sister. End of story.


  1. Yeah you posted!! You look so gorgeous!! I hope it was fun, I loved going to new years dances when I was younger!! p.s. I love that Taryn wore her boots!!

  2. Girl. LOVE your New Years pics...sorry it took me so long to see them. Love you, miss you. xoxo
