Saturday, September 24, 2011


There is a lot going on right now. Everything feels like it is go go go go go!! With no stopping!! I feel sooo blessed when I get 7 hours of sleep! Seminary has started, so all hope of sleep has ended! There's no such thing as down time, but I'm going to try and blog as much as possible in these 30 seconds of life we teenagers dream of! One word describes this chaotic week, HOMECOMING. it was fantastic!! Every day a different theme, ended by a colossal day of mum-mania! Our raider football team ended it perfectly by continuing its 5-0 record!!(: But it was the little things that made this week special, it was making mums with my mom and sister, taking absolutely ridiculous pictures in our pjs in choir, finally starting to be an actual show choir (wish me luck first performance is on thursday eeek!!!) and laughing so hard I almost died. I wish I could add pictures but I just got a new phone so that will have to wait!! I've started a new thing that is actually going really well! I decided to play basketball this year so I'm sorta horrifyed that I will have forgotten everything over the past year and be supppeerrrr out of shape so I've been running 3 miles every other day!! I was so excited this week because I'm finally NOT sore!(: its usually not allowed for people who aren't in athletics to play, but the coach loves me... enough said! Music has taken over my life! All region choir auditions are next weekend and I'm freaking out! I got really far last year as a freshman so a lot of pressure is riding on me to do as well as last year if not better! So this week my goal is to practice every single say without fail(: so excited to actually start keeping this updated again, I'll post pictures next time!

Monday, August 1, 2011

There's no place like texas.

Where else can you pass 2 BBQ barns within the first 10 minutes of crossing the border??


I've never been so happy to enter 109 degrees,
Smell cow in the air,
see nothing but farms,
watch miles of windmills,
and have a cowboy wave at me (:

I'm home ya'll!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Years!

As I am 14 I can (finally) go to the new years dance!! Whoop whoop! I had a friend who went with me and we met up with some friends to go to dinner before!

The trials of finding an appropriate mormon dance dress are ridiculous, but I got lucky! (:
Haha we were at the dance and some guy was walking by who we didn't want to see us so we were all like"Hurry! Take a picture!"
Me & Hayley with our legit 2011 necklaces!
Me and Taryn all ready to go!
She is my sister. End of story.